Wow, Kit. You were very accommodating. I have one kid who has reactive airway disease and one who is autistic and has really serious fears about getting and being sick. I know this guy is your friend, so I don't want to talk trash about him, but I feel like he should have gone out of his way to make everyone feel comfortable. Wear a mask, blow his nose in the bathroom or at least around the corner away from everyone, wash his hands after, NOT to have his hands in a communal bowl of cashews...But maybe my over-sensitivity is because of all my experiences with my own kids. When someone is hacking and coughing in public without a mask and without at least covering their mouth, I get mad. Why is it OK to risk everyone else having to feel miserable? The flu can be dangerous for people too, so no matter what someone is sick with, they should do their very best to not spread their bug.