Wow. A damn well-written story, but it was a whole lot more than that to me.
In many ways, I kept seeing parallels. My mom had my kid brother when I was 10.
I’m not black, so I can’t even begin to draw parallels on that very big difference.
I was poor, white trash. So, I understand the poverty, and I understand bring expected to raise a kid I didn’t give birth too…the inequities, though, aren’t something I’ve had to contend with.
I do understand the closeness…my boyfriend in my 20s had to be OK with m picking up my brother andp sharing his Xbox all weekend. We taught him to swim and catch fish, and drove him to and from school quite a bit.
I kept reading, feeling like I understood quite a bit, admiring your sister when she obviously handled things better than I did
I was really taken aback when I read about her husband. I was widowed with 3 kids when my husband died in a car accident at 34. Ive read few accounts of people having that experience, so it’s surprising when I do.
I really admire her for accomplishing way more than I have, and I really think it’s amazing how much you admire her.
I also just found this to be a really well written piece that really hit me hard, emotionally.
I’m glad I got to read this.