This kind of reminds me of in the 1960s. Bob Dylan was telling people:
The times, they are a’changing.
His contemporaries basically told everyone the same: learn to swim. Sink or swim in this new world. It is changing around you, opinions be damned.
Then, the world starts making another big shift, and suddenly these flexible, open minded pioneers are unwilling to budge?
I find that the best instructions I’ve gotten on the matter of pronouns is what my 11 yr old said, with a roll of the eyes.
If you don’t know the person, say “them or they.”
The youngest generation is trying to better the world around them , trying to be kind and inclusive. They all want people to feel recognized, appreciated and understood .
I just don’t understand how that can be a bad thing. If someone is asking your preferred pronouns, they’re trying to be considerate. If you say you don’t want to share, that’s your right…but the next person’s right to be referred to in the way they prefer is just as valid.
If anyone is confused on the singular they, try and remember the lunchbox your 3rd grade teacher picked up off the playground: Who does this lunchbox belong to? If you see them, please tell them their lunchbox is here.