I was happy with the nuclear family I had with my husband and 3 kids, but it took a lot of time, compromise, and an extremely lucky find in my husband. For quite awhile, I felt taken for granted and overworked, doing all the housework and had a 30 hour per week job. We talked about it a lot, without arguing, and finally found our groove. I was going to be a stay at home mom, getting Degree online, and then swap, supporting him through my work as he went back to school and kept the kids. He died 6 yes ago, and the grief really dragged my kids and me through hell. After a ton of time and therapy, I've found extrem happiness as a solo mom. My kids are happy, and I feel zero need or desire to bring another man into things. People cannot wrap their brains around that. "You're still young. You can find somebody!" "Don't you want to find love again??" I already have love, and I had enough romantic love to last me a lifetime.