Hey! Always so happy for my fellow Missoulian's comments! Also, thank for the picture...I'm super homesickness the PNW, hoping it'll get better when I make it south.
I think I recognize this neighborhood...is it near 7 th , close to Bensons? Or up north, near home depot?
Looks like a super nice place, and after working as an assistant to Realtors for years, I agree that a brick patio is one of the best ways to help break up the houses a bit from each other. I like shutters and shrubs, too! Decks are nice, but I think realtors twist too many arms to get them, and they're only sort of worth the price tag.
I definitely suggest the movie!! The horror is only partly about the neighborhood, but it definitely plays an important role! If you're adverse to dread-type horror (sometimes I am, just depends on how I feel) or if your Wifey is (my hubs called me Girly. I thought it was cute, but I called him Man, just to be obnoxious, but it stuck.)